June 9, 2015


TAKE ACTION:Tell Senators What They Must Do to Fix the Broken APR System!

The State Senate is trying to run out the clock.

The Assembly has taken significant steps in recent weeks toward fixing New York’s testing and evaluation mess. With a bipartisan, near-unanimous vote — 135 votes to just 1! — the Assembly amended the revised APPR system and mandated increased test transparency and developmental appropriateness of assessments.

The Senate, however, has refused to take up the legislation.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to tell senators to amend the revised APPR system and mandate increased test transparency and developmental appropriateness of assessments.

Across New York, parents, educators and community members have expressed deep concerns regarding over-testing and the increased reliance on the standardized testing of our students. The Assembly has addressed many of these concerns with a bill that allows the Board of Regents to adopt revised APPR regulations by November 17, 2015, de-couples APPR approval from state aid, dramatically increases test transparency and fixes a number of other problems with the current APPR system.

But, with only six days left in the legislation session, the Senate has simply ignored the problem.

Don’t let the Senate run out the clock on New York’s students, parents and educators!

Demand that the Senate join the Assembly in working to fix New York’s testing and evaluation mess!

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT Executive Vice President

P.S.: Please take action now to tell senators what they must do to fix the broken APPR system!

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