Last week, Garden City High School students and faculty came together for the 6th annual One School, One Book event, coordinated by high school librarian Margaux Calemmo. The event kicked off with icebreaker activities and a viewing of a short video that provided context about the Romanian revolution and life during the reign of Nicolae Ceaușescu.

This year’s winning book was the historical fiction thriller “I Must Betray You” by Ruta Sepetys, which was chosen by students through a voting process. During the event, 9-12th graders were separated into individual chat stations led by teachers from various curriculum areas. Students discussed character development, themes of the novel, their favorite scenes, and more.
We would like to thank the Garden City PTA for donating copies of the book and the Garden City Public Library for making print, electronic, and audiobook versions available. The One School, One Book event provides an opportunity for the Garden City High School community to come together, share perspectives, and engage in a shared reading experience. Congratulations to all participants for making this year’s event a success!