May 15, 2015


Tell Albany to Fix What They Broke!

After a budget season hurting communities, parents, teachers and most of all children, NYSUT has promulgated a 9-point plan to #RECLAIMTHEJOY of teaching and learning.  This campaign includes having visits and writing letters to our elected officials and Regents, postings on social media and newspapers and a day of action taking our message to the streets to let the larger community know how we can take back our education system and regain the joy of learning and teaching. 

We must make it clear to our elected representatives that they are not going to regain our support by introducing weak “reparative” measures that repair little and leave most of the damage inflicted by the budget bill unchanged!

Please join us on May 15, from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, at one of the rallies we have planned. Bring signs that say (or be creative and make other slogans):

  • Don’t hold school aid hostage
  • Local control of schools
  • End the high-stakes testing insanity – OPT OUT
  • Untie teacher evaluations and test scores
  • DON’T PUNISH struggling schools – SUPPORT them

Wear red to stand out. Invite friends and other community members.  Let’s try to encourage our elected officials to sign on to the 9-point plan and join us out on the streets.

Download the rally flyer specifying locations along with a copy of NYSUT’s 9-point legislative plan to fix what the governor and the legislature broke.

Please join us at a location near you: 


  1. Sidewalk along Sunrise Highway @ Massapequa Train Station
  2. Sidewalk along Old Country Road, Westbury (Between 
  3. Meadowbrook Parkway and E. Gate Blvd. near Buy Buy Baby)
  4. Sidewalk along Sunrise Highway @ Lynbrook Train Station


  1. Sidewalk along 25A Mount Sinai @Heritage Park
  2. Sidewalk along Route 110, Huntington Station (Walt Whitman Mall 
    near front of Lord & Taylor) 
  3. Sidewalk along 200 Sunrise Highway Babylon (Babylon Town Hall)
  4. Sidewalk along Route 347, Hauppauge (Bill Richards Memorial Park)

Any questions, please contact:

LI Regional Political Organizer
Jeff Friedman at 516-670-7834 or [email protected]

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