May 5, 2015


NYSUT’s Engagement Plan to Fight for Public Education

IPC President Joan Deem in Buffalo at the Representative Assembly

Late last week, more than 2,000 NYSUT delegates convened in Buffalo at the Representative Assembly (RA)  to address countless issues that we presently face in public education.  RVCTA was well-represented at this convention, with five members serving as delegates.

At the RA on Saturday, a special order of business was passed, outlining  NYSUT’s Engagement Plan to Fight for Public Education. Below is a  list of actions that we can all follow to help support this initiative. If you use Twitter, please take note of using  #ReclaimTheJoy.   The first item references a 9-Point Plan to Reclaim the Joy of Teaching and Learning, which is attached as a separate document.  



  1. Ask legislators to sign on to the 9-Point Plan to Reclaim the Joy of Teaching and Learning (NYSUT MAC (Member Action Center) blast email will be sent on Tuesday, May 5).
  2. The NYSUT Board of Directors will be setting up meetings with their respective Regents and reaching out to local leaders to participate in these local meetings.  Contact Lesli Deninno  if interested in attending.
  3. Participate in our statewide “Day of Advocacy” on May 15. Additional details will follow on Tuesday, May 5.
  4. Write a letter to your Regent describing the impact of SED actions on your teaching and your children’s learning. Tell them what they need to know about what is happening in your classroom.
  5. Participate in local in-district Committee of 100 meetings with legislators in May.  Contact Lesli Deninno for details. 
  6. Post on social media about what would be necessary to #ReclaimTheJoy to teaching and learning in your school.
  7. Help spread the word. Tell three or more friends about this campaign and get them involved.
  8. (Added by Viri) Do you use the MAC app?    If not, now is the time to join.  It’s a great way to give voice to our legislators and Regents.  It takes a second to sign up!  Head to .

Meanwhile, the momentum against Pearson and high-stakes standardized testing is growing. We can see that the public consciousness around our issues is changing; that’s thanks to the work that all of our members, leaders and activists have done at every level. 

Last night, John Oliver took the testing fixation to task on his show, “Last Week Tonight.” The 18 minute segment takes on Pearson, high-stakes standardized testing and the politicians who push these policies.  

We encourage everyone to watch the segment (click link: and share it.  (Note: The segment does contain some profanity.)  Let’s make sure it’s seen far and wide so that we can continue the momentum for policies that work for students and teachers.

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