Message from BTA President, Wayne White
I hope the first 100 days of this school year has treated you well. However, Tuesday March 10th is of utmost importance. We all must be at the forum at Saxton Middle School, Patchogue. In order to address the unjust education reforms proposed by Governor Cuomo, our legislators need to see large crowds at these rallies. We have to convince our legislators that they have to stand up for public education, against these reforms. If we do not have a strong showing, our legislators won’t feel that they have enough public support to stand up against Cuomo. If you are not there and these reforms from the Governor go through, you can explain your absence to those whose employment status will be affected by these reforms. These reforms have the potential to impact all educators, regardless of tenure area or position on the seniority scale. The situation is serious and we need to have a large showing to do something about it!
Please refer to the attached map for parking. The Park and Ride is the best place to park and walk to the forum. If the forum is full, DO NOT GO HOME! We need people outside holding signs, being visible for the public and media. The organizers are asking everyone to wear red as a show of support. Please join us on Tuesday. The more you do, the more we can do for you.
As always I’m proud to represent you and equally proud to fight alongside you!